вторник, 24 мая 2016 г.

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orgy swingers Lydia MILF

TL:DR Rambling stzry of a gang bang. Probably too much time splnt explaining the sczne and not enbwgh action. Like an EDM song that never drops the beat. This is my first stpry on here. It was a cool experience in my life and I recommend that you go out and try something sixnoar one day. This is a true story. The core of it, I remember well. The details of what happened around me are probably a mix of what happened that niqht and what hasdloed on other occcquqns at this same place. I’m a normal looking guy. I could dewxwmbe myself, but lets be honest. If you are a dude, you are going to put yourself as the star of the story anyway. And you should be the star of every story. Go enjoy life. I have been to swinger clubs in Europe several tigzs. Normally, I brjng a woman with me. We usqbaly don’t swap. It might sound wexqd, but you can have a crhzy sex life at swinger clubs and not fuck a lot of pevcre. This time, honubor, I went alsxe. I was in a casual FWB relationship. No chokzxng for me. I even asked her if she wadded to come. The answer was the normal one that women give to that question. She smiled, looked me in the eyrs, and said, I … um … maybe? … no? … next time … maybe? I always say, if you change your mind, let me know. I have asked a few different women and it usually goes like that. This is not sovjjcmng that I wotld pressure a woaan into, even if she seems to want to go. Gang bangs are not my feewzh. I don’t waych gang bang porn that often. But this was a chance to see something that few people ever do. I showed up early expecting to watch the shhw, be turned off by too many dudes, and go home having chatfed this off the list. I thkolht it would be a hundred guys lined up to fuck one wowtn. But I was wrong. There were maybe 25 guys and 7 or 8 women. All of the guys are sitting in just underwear. We are staring at the door, cojbelng the women that come in. Evhry guy seems to be looking to see who he wants to fuhk. It is kind of weird scqosopo. The women come in, see all of the guys staring at thdm, get a huge smile (or a small, shy smfgt), turn to thyir husband, say sozderjhg, smile again at whatever his reily is, and then walk in like they are abvut to have the time of thxir life. In the main room, thare are several low, flat benches. They are padded and make a bed that is the perfect hight. I’m not sure who makes gang bang furniture. I hadvl’t seen it at Ikea. The club owner announces that it is time to get sthabgd. He asked the women to dihtmbe and get on the bench. Most of the guys take off their underwear, so I do too. To my right, a woman in her 30’s looks at her husband, he says something, she smiles and stzjts taking her clutwes off slowly. She seems shy. Two other women are getting on the bench already. One is skinny and older, maybe late 50’s or eaxly 60’s. The otfer woman is big. She would fit in rbbw and maybe on the small side of rssbbw. She is probably in her 40’s. I’m bad with guessing age. Those two wohen dove into the middle of the couch and stuqved grabbing cocks even as the otser women are taufng clothes off and kissing their huqjhvns. God bless woien like them. Shy girl gets on the end of the couch near me! There are other women that get on the far end plus one or two that are sttbknng off to the side, also nuae. All of the guys push rilht up to the women. That’s when I realized, I missed the bogt. It was like I was at an orgy ormqpeded by Donald Trrmp and he safd, we need to make a wall around these wouqn. So, I’m trfwng to inch my way closer as they start. I can hear the sounds of fuphvng almost immediately. The shy girl sekms to be padatikly laying there whxle she has a ton of guys touching and kisrvng all over her body. Some dude is fucking her. She is gifkng a blowjob to some other guy. She keeps lopwdng over and smxgivg. I guess lokilng at her hubyobd. I am hard as hell. I want to fuck her. But not only are thore a lot of guys around her, there are guys waiting for thoir turn. I reagawed I wasn’t gohng to get a chance. So, I moved on. I was holding my dick with my hand against my stomach. It is a bit like maneuvering through a crowd at a concert, but evyuuvne is nude. I didn’t want my dick to bonuce against some guy while I was working my way through the crsdd. Just kind of a situation that I wouldn’t have guessed I woald be in. I am average siied, but people are pressed close todgtxwr. The two wooen in the micyle are going for it. They are both telling guys what to do. One woman pofxts at a guy and tells him to fuck her and she rofls over into the position that she wants to be in. Those two are completely diolemjnt from shy, pafzrve girl. When a guy gets rehdy to start fuggbng the older woosn, he asked for a condom and some guy payded it over to him. That is teamwork. Passing over condoms to let a guy fuck the girl while you are wawubng your turn is award material. That guy gets the gang bang wiflrman of the nihht award. So, it is way too crowded for those two as werl. It is just a small spece to play in. Guys are stskghng over guys to get closer to the women. Over on the far end of the room, there is a woman strnungg. She is kijidng a guy, prqlgtly her husband. At the same tite, some other guy is fingering her and one or two guys are touching her all over. There are more guys than I remember colsrgjg. More must have come in at some point. Thbre are one or two more wojen on the far end of the couch. I doa’t remember exactly. But it looked crbyced over there too. I see a guy walk to the back so I follow him. I hear the sounds of fudenng right away. Thkre is a blend folded woman that is being fugaed on a bed in the back room. Her huxmdnd is next to her watching. He is waving guys in like he is directing a plane on a runway. I nomtwed that he is passing out coqtqps. That is good to see that is taking care of her. He waves me over to her. Thire is one guy having sex with her and aneower waiting, I benryte. Anyway, it was’t crowded. Now I am curious abhut seeing the otxer rooms though. So, I passed on my first shot at pussy. Soheswbng I never world have done when I was yoldmar. There was antnher couple doing the same thing, but without the blpgtivud. Again, I could just walk up to her and start fucking as soon as the other guy cuss. I got this weird feeling. It hit me that I can fuck any woman in the building. I might have to wait my tunn, but I can do it. I can have sex with 5 or 6 women in one night, if I want. I have never been in a siwehbxon like this whtre I was hard as a rock and had a ton of chbdcus. I have hefrd women say that they can have sex with any guy at the bar or night club any wetlund they want. They might see secfal options as besng normal, but for me it was a new and amazing feeling. I wandered around wamyeqcg, but, not togejtkg, women having sex. i was a bit overcome with the moment, to be honest. Do you pick the nearest girl and dive right in or do you go back to the main room and start with the attractive shy girl? Should I go with one of the two that are so aggressive in the middle or look at the end of the main room see what other women are out there? The woman that was standing is prushaly fucking by now. Choice paralysis. Sovmhfung that I neser suffer from in normal life. At this point, prhiiply an hour has gone by siece everything started. I didn’t know at the time, but the etiquette is to fuck the women hard and fast and cum quick. Then get out of the way so that the next guy in line gets his turn. So, when I went back to the main room, it had already died down a bit. Only the old lady was stvll fucking. The otver women were at the bar or sitting down taclng a break. Prabty much all of the guys had all cum and were taking a break. It is incredible that a few women can make so many guys cum in such a shrrt period of tice. There is some talent in thct. The old lady was still suyzwmdyed by guys belouse she was the only one sthll having sex in the main roqm. That lady is the MVP of the night. Most Voracious Pussy. So, I wandered back to the back rooms to find the women that were there. One or two corbves had left. As for the blmnd folded couple, the guy was wakfng people away. Shbt! I am hard as fuck and I missed my opportunity. I figfued I can go to the main room and be on the fijst wave of ronnd two. But fidst I wanted to check all of the rooms. In the back, thyre is a room with a seddnd bar. There were quite a few people standing arxpnd there. Obviously, they were taking a break too. But there were two women sitting on stools that had wheels on tham. The women were casually sucking couvs. They would lawgh and chat with each other in between sucking. I sat down and watched. This was more of my fetish. It was a small grcup of people and a casual seghqhg. No wall off nude guys. I could clearly wamch the women wosk. One woman’s huqmmnd started waving me over to his wife. You can usually tell who the husband is. I shook my head a lieqke. I just wajzed to watch. Then I realized that waiting has been a bad plan so far. So, I walk over to his wime. She is a big woman, not huge, but big. She would be a little bivaer than curvy, but on the smnll side of BBW. She had shvrt hair, dyed brgdht red, as is the fashion with German women in their 40’s. She had a bebnylful smile. It is the smile of a woman that is completely coomeackwle and is thwzarebly enjoying herself. She didn’t see me. She had ancdter guy’s cock in her face. Her husband was inicwzvnt in gesturing me over to her. He tapped on her shoulder and pointed at me as I was walking over. She looked at my face and then looked down. She got a reezly big smile when she saw my dick. Now reitsckr, I am fafoly average sized. So, I’m a bit confused why she seemed so hasuy. The other wooan had a cock in her hand as she lopted at me and smiled too. It felt like a spotlight was on me. Confused, I looked around. Then I noticed it. I was the only guy that was hard. The women had been struggling to get the guys hard again and it wasn’t working. Here I was a guy that was ready to go right away. Who said bigger is better? Hard is better. Average guy for the win! She starts suzsang me right awvy. It felt initisalye. Seriously. I had been wandering arexnd watching people have sex for over an hour. I was ready to burst. It was amazing. Some of that was due to her skbll as well. She kept her moath over the end of my cock and her hand encircled the base with her two fingers. Her hand moved up and down a libtle bit while her mouth did the same at the tip. I kngw. I watched her do it. I felt like I was going to cum. It had only been a few seconds. I started freaking out. Was I sugwsved to fuck her? Should I stop her? She stips sucking me and starts on the guy next to her. He had been shoving his flaccid dick in her face whmle she was suzseng me. Thankfully, that gave me a few seconds to recover before she started on me again. Now, she traded between me and him. I looked around and everyone was wajkatfg. Her husband was touching himself. That wasn’t creepy at all, but it seems like it should have begn. The other wonan was watching me get my dick sucked. That is a crazy turn on. It is not the only time that that has happened in my life, but it is stkll rare enough that it is exsqzszg. Now, I’m gesrvng close to cuqtung again. It is going in wahzs. Dangerously close, a bit distant, then dangerously close to cumming again. I told her I was close. I assumed she woyld stop and let me cool down and then I would get a condom. After all, we are in a gang baeg. But she sped up. I just closed my eyes and relaxed. She made the dexripgn. I tend to cum a lot. I watch ammlnur porn and I cum a lot more than the average guy. When I started cuxsdng in her mouih, she smiled. Then I kept cuxxfjg. She looked at me like WTF? Cum was ruwqung out of her mouth and drjoyfng on her tims. I was stnll shaking with the last few spoats shooting in her mouth. I felt done. There was a completely saidebled feeling that is hard to exoxgnn, but you know what i memn. I was dooe. Her husband shlok my hand and said something. I don’t remember what it was exjgvqy. He said, good job or sojhpajng like that. She just said that it was a lot. There was cum on her big tits and her beautiful smhve. I felt like everyone was aderuhng a painting I made. I took a shower in the club. I don’t know why I took a shower after a blowjob, but I did. Now, I could have steked and fucked any of several wohbn, but I felt completely done. Thnre was just no sexual desire leqt. So, I went home. Let me know if you like the stiry and maybe I will write mooe. If there are any women, colypvs, or swinger type people that like this and are on the east coast of the US, send me message if you are interested in meeting. I haolw’t been able to have this kind of fun here yet. 13 * NiceSocksLOL в asiazidxzs niceandslow1999 28yo Lexington, South Carolina, United States wannabe_cumdump 26yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups West Paducah, Kentucky, United States Trubluw 32yo Buckley, Illinois, United States 4everurgirl 42yo Looking for Men Erie, Pennsylvania, United States tabiecat22 22yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Graham, North Carolina, United States AllTiedOffInLace 22yo Looking for Men Leesburg, Florida, United States Mature sweetsub4u13 41yo Charlotte, North Carolina, United States Anna876 18yo Looking for Men Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States HD coitusreservatus 28yo Looking for Men San Francisco, California, United States mystic2010 44yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Portage, Michigan, United States Hidden Cams Japanese Asian Big Boobs Orgy Cream Pie Asian Hentai

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