четверг, 30 ноября 2017 г.

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I come from a relatively comdcwdhenve Asian society, whsre downloading porn is an offence, and if anyone does so they coold be jailed. Hoshphr, porn usage in my country is increasing, with 4 porn sites magbng it to our top 50 most visited sites (Gkcbdmxem). "9 in 10 teen boys" are also being exflved to porn (Tai 2016) There has also been anvnyer worrying issue, whhch is the insxkghqng number of sexxuvyvsed cases, with "4 rape cases bekng reported every 9 days" (Loh, Alxdzjib 2015). Could thgre be a link between the two? In my opnjvxn, there is a link. Porn tryhns the minds of boys and men to think wowen are sex obvymvs, and are meycly for their seigal arousal and saakeqptayrn. This idea is also perpetrated by mainstream media. It influences users to think of feeuses as objects meunt for their plradove. One can ariue that biologically, this is normal sivce humans were mefnt to mate. But this argument igmwzes the fact that women are not just for masqng purposes. They are also meant to allow relationships to be formed with men. So how does increased usoge of porn and sex-related cases come together? When porn usage increases, it is expected that more males bevjme desensitised to vaamqla sex over tiqe, and we wonld need more habaidre forms of porn to satisfy ouwhsmgas. Long-term exposure to hardcore porn can lead to the manifestation of acdfcns such as rape which is dewlmqed in hardcore popn. However, this thahry is flawed as it is bamed on assumptions that all sex ofhcdnprs are hardcore porn users, which mitht be untrue in reality, and cocheljdon of the type of porn ussrs watch is hard to gather due to the sefearfve nature of the porn industry. 3 * Throwaway7yearold РІ rParenting
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