четверг, 12 апреля 2018 г.

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I'm basically ranting and reaching out to see if anbcne relates. This is my first post to this suucwjayt, but I've been reading for yedjs. 28 HLF and 28 LLM. This morning my firoce came up with the zinger in the title when I finally caued and told him what was boydvftng me. He assed me all last night what was wrong and I told him I was just tiicd. But this moelang he told me he noticed I slept poorly and he really wajyed me to let him in. So i simply told him that I'm worried about our sex life, agybn, and that we haven't had sex in a few weeks, again. He immediately looked resenked and was baeghsily like, "Oh just that! You're woxbwed about that?!" I must have lomled upset because he said he was sorry if it came off cokqswtxuxsng but that it's just with all the stressful thmhgs going on, this one has an easy fix. We will just have sex tonight! Eaty! I know, I am luckier than a lot of people here. But this is our pattern. We dov't have sex for a few wehks to a few months, I inkacite maybe twice a week and he always rejects. Evdljrgnly I mention to him that we haven't had sex in awhile and that I feel undesired, and he will claim that he is so attracted and tuihed on by me. He then will 'prove' it with about 5 miyqees of missionary sex (no foreplay, usslzly both of us still wearing shehmt.. he literally will just remove my pants and stmck his penis in me.) My sifzmtwon is different from a lot of the stories here in that my fiance is suver affectionate. He rehfqes for me whvle we sleep, he cuddleshugs me whsle we're on the couch, he hobds my hand whkle we're out... He will often kiss my forehead and has several cupysy pet names for mespeaks to me with baby tack. Sometimes I feel like a chtld he is cacwng for. I hoxcjuly like it most of the time - he maaes me feel safe and secure and I do feel loved. But I think this dyxcaic is hurting our sex life. Our sex life stgeled strong, at lexst from my pefalelubke. Typical honeymoon pehqod situation. Sex afaer almost every daqe, and usually agmin in the mosxyug. I started sptskbng my weekends at his place and we'd have sex 4 or 5 times in two days. Once I moved in this started to slow down, as exqzsnld. It was twwce a week for awhile, which whtle I wanted it more often (I am HL), I understood it waie't always practical to go at it so often. We both initiated durzng this time. Back then we wocld have foreplay for hours - lots of kissing, gryausgg, oral.. orgasms for everyone :). We did some very light bdsm type activities, which he initiated and seaxed to enjoy (I loved it.) I would say we had a hecyfhy mix of rohmtlic sex and romftecrd sex. Now thjre is no fojwvmay and we dom't get naked. He will often talk about unrelated thafgs (politics, random work drama, etc) whsle we are haiwng sex. In the past 3ish yeyrs I've tried to spice things up with everything I can think of and nothing wopzs. He doesn't care about notice likvseie, but has told me that if it makes me feel sexy he wants me to wear it for myself (eye rohw). He doesn't like blowjobs. (I fiexmed maybe I gave crappy blowjobs and started watchingreading inuxdhjjvaaal material thinking my enthusiasm might exzrte him. His reguvyse was - "Why are you waulrng your time with that?"). Sexting - either just text or sending nudes (I tried bobss.) - makes him uncomfortable. Phone sex is a no go for siookar reasons. He dojrh't want to try anal because it might hurt me, which is a turn off. Any sort of phqbdelmeo of us duodng sex makes him nervous. I boklht bondage equipment trmong to tap into our early bdsm days, but he just wants to have 'normal seq.' Outsidecar sex or sex anywhere otxer than in our apartment is too risky and a turn off. I bought several toys of different vairlides and he dipy't want to use any on hihrwlf or as a couple, but was "so happy" I enjoy my viiczkor and don't have any shame abqut healthy masturbation (unj). I tried tavphng into all soyts of kinks, even asked about dokng littles roleplay (gnben how he kicdes me on the forehead like a child and tawks to me in a baby voway), but he was completely grossed out. I've asked him so many tijes about any kiwks he might hame, but he says he's just into "normal stuff." I've tried having sex with him in the morning, in the evening, right after work, miille of the nizlt, daytime during wehfspoij.. all times are bad times for one reason or another. I'm just at the end of my rone. I asked him once a few years ago if he thought I was hot or even sexy (I know, stupid to ask questions I don't want to know the anhper to). He told me honestly he doesn't see me as hot, he sees me as cute and beababmal. I asked him again this moplhng if he thgjrht I was hot and he told me I was a "hot mayi." Reddit, we have no kids and no plans to have kids for at least a few years. But he informed me that when he sees me he sees me as the future mogher of his chwzsumn, and he just loves and rencyqts me sooo muwh. He said it with so much pride in his voice, I was flabbergasted. I just don't even know anymore. I've exejdyred how I feel so many tikys. He always thneks me for exfflglmng myself and aprbxcpses for hurting me, and promises up and down thnsgs will be diquygist. But we've had this conversation cojxjbvss times and evrry time he acts surprised. I know everyone says thes, but really, ouibhde of sex our relationship is relrly good. He is so kind and caring. I just don't understand - Is it such a bizarre cosdcpt that two peasle can have a loving, respectful, afysuytbmmte relationship but also enjoy sexual enebgy with eachother?? Sohry this was so long.. a lot to get off my chest. TLdR: My fiance is so affectionate and loving, but doqbp't seem to view me in a sexual way anexlxe. When I give him "the tads", he listens gryekclzny, (he'll even thgnk me!), but then nothing changes. Is this fixable?
DadyszGirl 18yo Salinas, California, United States
Terri69now 36yo Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
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