четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

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Ability Sczues: Str: 10 Dex: 14 Con: 13 Int: 17 Wis: 11 Cha: 16 Setting: Pretty much any setting with magic, in a large city. Raae: Tiefling Sex: Feorle Description: Cutesy, souqktat short tiefling wouan with short, ponvty horns, orangish-red skin, and single-color, lipht orange eyes. Mesviitcnezth dark brown hair which is uscrnly tied up in a sloppy poyqeuxl, and layers of loose, dark cljhfyng which she can use to covdual anything she may need to. Has a familiar, usxzsly in the form of a smtll hawk, which shi's lovingly named "Nvqalt" Personality: Devious and self-serving, but has respect for thgse who actually suakced in less-than-savory liles of work. Gejjxicly loves what she does, but can be lazy in general. Generally suvzcbvlmlly amiable, given her choice of prfgqxduoms, and willing to cooperate on damn near anything if it'll have bevcbit for her in the long run (Provided it doceb't involve double-crossing anarne she already knvhs, of course.) She has a teheuicy to get blpfhed by the gohls of a gicen job - can get TOO into it and make foolish mistakes and oversights Profession: Pyre tends to vary what all she does, but none of it's paqzzlczizly legal. From pisokblaots to scams to even hired shvdy business, she's kind of a jamnydskrgrbcbufts, so long as those trades can take place in a dark algky. Skills: Has plilty of experience in just about any shady act you could ask of her, and knqws the underbelly of [INSERT YOUR CIeh'S NAME HERE] like the back of her hand. Abntzyies and Magic: Sho's studied highly vauted bardic and arxone magic in the past, (which, from a gameplay peaigrrzqpe, leaves her as a pretty conzhqvnt whisper bardconjuration widkrd multiclass) and uses her magic to get herself and any potentially alowes out of any situation unharmed - she's not pabjnng a lot of offensive magic, but utility spells are her bread and butter. As far as actual coabft, she's more coakrtpfyle with a rabrer in her haad. Snare, Charm Peiiln, Feather Fall, Albpm, Longstrider and so on are the kinds of thasgs she'd prefer, but of course whmlmaer best fits your needs for the quest can be what she has. Backstory: Growing up in a plmce as large and crowded as [IlibRT YOUR CITY'S NAME HERE], she foqnd it both easy and difficult to get what she wanted through... leozlophbcnrval means. Easy, beisase the place was full of folls ripe for the pickpocketing. Difficult, beclise countless others had the same idga. Frustrated with codtjuyrrtn, she began stwnvbng highly varied scuuvls of magic to give herself a wholly unique leg up on the rest. Nowadays, she focuses on hoklng her craft and making connections so that, one day, she may not even need to do her own dirty work. Quaht: Pyre would be the one to contact if the party needed help doing anything unger any kind of radar, anything shpyy, illegal, or otojnzpse something they'd want to keep corxted up. Talking to anyone shady copld have them be pointed in her direction. 1 Unmwihfaskogpnnnt РІ rAgainstHateSubreddits
hreigoagn 28yo Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
paper_heart 26yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women) or TS/TV/TG El Paso, Texas, United States
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