понедельник, 29 января 2018 г.
I'll get stuck into my mentor Vardy, says Penny
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Jamie Vardy has been chuckling along at the threat of a rough welcome to Peterborough from the former non-league defender he helped turn professional when talk moves to Claude Puel. more on Geo altCom
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LittleMsNaughty7 22yo Looking for Men Lebanon, New Jersey, United States
I'll get stuck into my mentor Vardy, says Penny
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sheheartunicorns 36yo Looking for Men San Francisco, California, United States
Jamie Vardy has been chuckling along at the threat of a rough welcome to Peterborough from the former non-league defender he helped turn professional when talk moves to Claude Puel. more on Geo altCom
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LittleMsNaughty7 22yo Looking for Men Lebanon, New Jersey, United States
Transfer News LIVE: Arsenal, Chelsea, Man United updates
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Ashley104 46yo Looking for Men Phoenix, Arizona, United States
With less than a week to go, the transfer window is hotting up as clubs around Europe look to push through deals to improve their squads. Follow all of the transfer news with Sportsmail. more on Geo altCom
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SexyAsianLady 35yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Bellaire, Texas, United States
Transfer News LIVE: Arsenal, Chelsea, Man United updates
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Ashley104 46yo Looking for Men Phoenix, Arizona, United States
With less than a week to go, the transfer window is hotting up as clubs around Europe look to push through deals to improve their squads. Follow all of the transfer news with Sportsmail. more on Geo altCom
lisa33508 34yo Riverview, Florida, United States
SexyAsianLady 35yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Bellaire, Texas, United States
Dancing on Ice: Torvill and Dean reignite old magic
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PrincessV21 25yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Los Angeles, California, United States
The duo aged 60 and 59 respectively, showed off their amazing skills as they showed off some stationery poses while judging Alex Beresford's performance during Sunday night's show. more on Geo altCom
atlaurne 24yo Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lildevil696983 24yo Garden City, Michigan, United States
Dancing on Ice: Torvill and Dean reignite old magic
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PrincessV21 25yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Los Angeles, California, United States
The duo aged 60 and 59 respectively, showed off their amazing skills as they showed off some stationery poses while judging Alex Beresford's performance during Sunday night's show. more on Geo altCom
atlaurne 24yo Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lildevil696983 24yo Garden City, Michigan, United States
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Запись позавчерашней беседы с Боглаевым.
Прошу учесть, что приехал после работы уставший и поэтому в начале беседы выражался достаточно косноязычно - местами до неправильного построения фраз и потери логической нити от начала фразы к концу.
Кроме того, сама беседа вышла, на мой взгляд, весьма сумбурной (но это, частично, вызвано смятением в самой обсуждаемой сфере внутренней политики "предсмутного времени").
PS. Скорблю. Еще два "славянских ветерана" погибли в бою на Донбассе. "Славянцев" становится все меньше.
Владимир Митрофанов воевал в Славянске в бронегруппе у "Тарана", а Олег Тетёра - был в комендантской роте у "Балу".
Погибли в бою

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