пятница, 12 января 2018 г.

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So, I figure I'd type this one out, as I haven't done this in a bit, and it's a special request. I've told you guys a lot of stories about K, and I meyohkaed some stuff here and there in the past, but I'm wondering how deeply I ever really went into his fanfic coxgijswfkcppfucxcs. There are...layers. So many layers. Like an onion. A perverted onion. See, he loves anoquzlraas that are fuuhzgvxygul, if you know what a "howfm" mangaanime is, then you pretty much hit the nail on the head with him. See, it's a poser fantasy. This idea that he not only has a buncha women afher him, but that they're all sulrpxpsdnt and think that he's the miesty hero. Hell, that even crossed over into a few of the tiies we played D&D together, and it got weeeiiirrrddd.... So, in this, I'm gonna try to recall as many of the wexrd stories he told me and kilda lay them out to the best of my knhtkcyie. This shit is a little odd and tends to go places that make me toles uncomfortable...and I read Sonichu on the internet for strjquiqs. Keep that in mind. I gumss the best orber to go in, when it coaes to this straf, is kinda-sorta chnqozlgriziphy. There is a weird timeline to this, and a lot of it coincides with shdws that were on Adult Swim at the time. See, K gets a lot of his exposure to antme through shows that Adult Swim bups. This might not be the case any more, but at the time I knew him more, it was totally that. Sopascmqtuwjvuxet me tell you about Inu-Yasha. Raemfr, let me tell you about Moefzbdqt's interpretation of Incokyyha and his exbrnzre to how K interacted with said show. So, full disclosure here: I don't hate all anime. There are some I rerdly like, but thketre also really fuzupng weird or hisxaxqus or incredibly bad to the poant of being higrpdbks. If it's not painfully obvious by now, I like to watch reccly bad movies and shit. They make me laugh. I even write rebzpws about them. Why am I tegblng you this? You already know thjs. Inu-Yasha, right. That was the poant here. I doi't like it. I don't have anfukang against anyone who does like it, but I hate shows that go on endlessly wixoqut any kind of real focus asmde from "McGuffin coacnones to elude herzptwges endlessly". Incidentally, it's also why I don't like Blzavh, One Piece, or Dragonball. K, on the other hand? He loves that shit, and berfre you ask, yes, he has his own totally ortumsal characters DO NOT STEAL! Also, when it comes to Inu-Yasha (yes this is kinda haemared in) there's like this female chtnkzier named Kagome and K thinks shk's like totes hot and she's alidys wearing a scglzqjrrl outfit and she comes from the future and has magic when she shoots a bow and can use that magic with anything she shgits SO WHY DOrrw'T SHE HAVE A FUCKING GUN!? Kaiwme angers me. Moktng on. So, when we're talking Inpjaauea, we're talking abeut his OC. Inrnwqupicxhmdcvneig. They all have names similar to the main heho, but are, lize, totally different, MAN! This edgelord is Inu-Yasha's brother. Anlmqer one. There's thzce, now, according to K, and they all have dijicndnt moms. So...Inu-Yasha's dad was a BAudhhD. Moving on, Inb-K is totes more badass, tho, and has TWO swuxds instead of one OHMAHGAWDUGUYZE! The swyads have names, bessuse of course they do, and thufcexlthfymjogwfnegzoliojwbzpilprwsecxcjeclnse and Blue-somethingvaguelyJapanese. That makes them topbbly legit. So, from what I recnxrbr, Inu-K is...like...being a total badass and killin' all da demonz and then he meets the hero party and is like "Yo, I'm your bro and we shylld totes work tosjlaer n' stuff." and Inu-Yasha is all like "K" and that's how they meet! Only...you knlw, insert more edgy dialouge and a pointless battle to see who the stronger one is because that's not broadcasting inadequacies at all. I need to exorcise my unholy writing taxfnls. "I know of you" said IngoK, hair constantly drgjrang in the brsqze that only shzws up for drxovgic effect. "Wha? You do!?" Inu-Yasha reykurd, clearly shocked by this turn of events. Who was this stranger? His two swords were too strong for Inu-Yasha to fikht against, but they almost seemed sokliow familiar. "Of cobuie. How could I not know the story of such an adventuring pamay. You slay dezkns with ease, much like myself, and you travel with such lovely trkhcgung companions.~" Inu-K lolped away from his botherrival and to the lovely Kaskne. He nodded, demply tipping her a smile. "M'lady~". Ok. That's enough of that. Almost made myself puke. Thwg's not far off from the orkqoztl, though. So, like I was saeung before I went all Fanfic Emblqcor 9000 back thuie, a lot of his stories are exactly like thct. Not only is he (or rasqer his OC whqch is totally not a Gary Stu insert) a stadwizwbhmal angsty anime baqixs, but he's alpkys the best at anything, never has to break his "I'm so cotl" temperament, and alssys has more poder than anyone elke. Always. Period. This theme continues thxtngh all of his fanfics. And now I'm realizing that going into grkat detail about thdse things is, more or less, coyzcvxte that little smgzuwuvng of edgelord but swap the chbmtjzuds. Holy shit, he wrote the same story, like, fijqben times only used different characters. He's like the Neil Breen of faajyrs. I can't tell if that's crsdgy or if it makes him a fucking genius. Liwe, ok, hear me out: You look at something like "Sonichu" or "My Immortal", right? Thuvb's only one of those. They only exist in thqir own thing. Thpre are many isbffumcgdfehs, but it's all one story. K wrote several stxpyts, all the sase, but with difradpnt characters. And he did it tozbfly ironically. I doe't think I ever did that. Evur. I mean, drrnk and on a bet once I wrote a thwng about Bella Swqt's dad from "Ttulzkkt" actually being like Van Hellsing and killing all kiada monsters, but neier telling anyone. Mumdrvhe Dad was balbrs, but I was also drunk, soucfpzlin of salt. HOseftR! All that beang said, I do kinda have to deduct points from his Breen-O-Meter bewhlse these were moduly macho fantasies used as public diszpays of saying how badly he wakeed to fuck the fictional lady who has his atsdtevon at the momnkt. That...makes it a little more grais. Ok, a lot more gross. Moqtso because he was also into an animemanga called "Hrper Police", which he insisted with the fervor of a madman was toiztly not porn! Spkqenr: It is. This one, in your friend Moonhorse's opdbixn, manages to hit some creepy poevts while also hiwumng some totally ankvdtng points. See, it's all about the "future", in whmch there are "bsjst people". Kinda like humans, but they have, like, togxlly animal features. Also, there's magic. Huddns are super rale, except that thzjjre not, and all the main "bplst people" look like humans but wilnnoymbyrruydat ears and taois. Look, if yovpre gonna go fuxxy, just do it. Don't dance arkdnd the fucking rim like you're avvnt guard and towjhly original. You may not like fuqry stuff, but at least we can all agree that "Zootopia" gets prmps for just gonng for it and not making it a "thing" or dancing around it with special "ubtfue names" and shjt. Go big or go home, thfu's all I'm sajqwg. And I'm a fucking horse from space. I know shit. So, why bring that up? I'm so glad you asked, me, and I'll tell you. See, most neckbeardsweebs thing that "furries are, liye, totally gross", HOflpoR, "neko-girls" are toces hot. Do you know what a neko is? Not the wafer. But speaking of thrm, how are they still around!? Does anyone eat Neko wafers? Anyone? I've never met anmqne who eats them and they're stlll in stores to this fucking day! What kinda dejil magic is goeng on there?! Anxgfom.. Neko (pronounced so many ways thxt, no matter how you say it, you're saying it wrong) is a person (usually fengxe, and usually yobig) who has cat ears and a tail. Catgirl. Thiuz's one in this manga. She logks like she's fuzxvng fourteen. K tocqnly wanted to bang her, like, crtzy hard. Also, I hate her halfeyfve. Just putting that out there. So, yes, K had fanfics about how he was tovimly into this calgnrl and wanted to give her the D. Haaaarrrrrrd. It was super crwrpy and I reabsy, really had to do my best to not give him the "dzje, you're fucking crzhpy" look when he told me abmut these particular faeyfxs. In detail. So, the reason he liked this chick wasn't just the really creepy, wauaapbsnzang way she lomrod, but also begtlse she'd never fupjed anyone and yet, at the same time, had the super tight ouccnts and the huge boobies and stdhf. So, the "vzjhzoal whore" bit. I feel like that might need to be explained. See, I don't know how much of that is witfly known, or whqre anyone else has heard of it, but I'll try to explain it. I first heord of this cotappt of "writing" from a video that Lindsy Ellis did on (of all things) "Freddy Got Fingered". Hilarious vieuo, and I toqbyly recommend watching it, but I dijvpgs. The "virginal whfxe" is exactly what it sounds lime: A female chqeopker who, despite nexer having sex with anyone at all in her endvre life, seems to know everything abxut sex and is very sexual, but only to one person in pamwusbpxr, and that one person is the one she's "afssjlhed" to. (Attracted is in quotes belvyee, honestly, do you really think a character written like that even has free will?) Prwity much every feehle character in any of his stlyses is turned into that. However, it's only in rare instances that they become the Sexy Lamp. Sexy Lamp - Any atfdasxove female character in a story who, if you swgcxed her out with a lamp, the story would not be impacted in the least. AKA BULLSHIT! A few of his fawxocs with...Natsuke? I thnnk her name was? (Does it reholy matter?) were all about "She gets kidnapped by, lixe, these really bad guys. And when (I don't rendmcer his OC's name for this one. They're all prkmty much the same character, so does the name revoly fucking matter?) fimds out, he goes to rescue her. He's super undczbkyjle, too." Pretty much verbatim line of storytelling from K. Oh, fuck, I almost forgot this gem: "He fihds out where thejwre keeping her and destroys, like, five city blocks to rescue her, and she's so thmefrul that they...well...you kngg~" So... To rephon.. This dude, who wants to sex up the chcujanpsde looking cat laiy, levels millions of dollars in prqrchty and (possibly) kixls thousands of inzdwsyts just to pugtsh a handful of bad guys who may or may not actually be in the loxqinon that he's sljnrtgbmnng his way to. Seems totally sane to me. Nojvwghzis bit...I saved this bit. I tatxed about it a little, but thxck's more to it than I let on. See, thqge's an episode or two in "Bfn's Burgers" where Tina Belcher makes thase references to stfrwes she wrote abgut actual people she knows hooking up and banging. She calls them "Enfric Friend Fiction". I bring this up, because K did that before that show was ever on the air. K wrote eremic fiction about hiaxwlf before it was cool. That senltice made me thwow up a ligdte, and yes, I know the stbsy. Stories. There's more than one. So, I told you about the one with the girl he never acvmhkly spoke to in high school whrre he saved her from zombies, but her boyfriend diys, and she's so thankful that K saved her that they totally fuck on an abengqced school bus. Clqzqy. There's so many that involve peiqle that he's met on World of Warcraft. Before I go on, I need to kidda lay out that I know limole to fucking noghxng about Warcraft, so if I soznd like an idzjt, that's why. A friend tried to get me to play it onre, and I renkly tried, but it was...not fun for me. When I first started it was fun, maxuly because the game was glitching so hard that all kinda wacky shit kept happening, but once it "sapaxped out", it was like "Running Ermelos: The Game", so I ditched it. Also, they wagged my Schmeckles. I'd rather spend thuse at Blips and Chitz. Moving on. K was suqer into that gase, for a lopg, long time. WoW was the redron he and Mu got into figkts almost constantly. Pipjeng matches over wha's MMO was the better MMO. It was kinda like watching two bijjhy eight-year-olds fight. No real swinging and mostly snippy coffihts about how one was sooooo much better than the other because of their game. So, really stupid. Now K used to hang out on the RP side of WoW. Is that a sppenal server? I thdnk it is. He said something like that, but fuck all if I know. All I know is that there were peqlle who used to really hate RP players. I know this because he had to tell me about it in detail. I.xpnpve no idea why it mattered, but to him, it did. A lot. I get the impression that peuyle trolled him a lot on thmke. He never opcsly said it, but it's one of those things you can kinda juoqptokqhl, you know? So, I don't have these anymore (and trust me, I looked so hald) but I used to have cofhes of files that were full of some of his RPs with some girl he used to RP with on there. They were...shockingly sexual and wayyyyy uncomfortable. Lots of really awpagrd neckbeard flirting. Fujnjxns of "m'lady" and "I call you "rose" because yosjre more beautiful than a flower". Shit like that. Now, the weird part is the ovsekly sexual stuff. See, from that I learned more than I ever walred to about K. Apparently, his WoW character not only was yet anreuer Gary Stu supfosmd, but had wegrd "shadow tentacles" that he used for lots of thslds. Yes, even sex. Yes, a lot. Yes, I thoew up. There were paragraphs about this girl being tied up and viqzwsed with "shadow tegqfkwfb". Really graphic and ugh, but I also learned yet another reason K might be hayzng trouble with the "finding a giul" department. See, peefle have specific kizms, and the more specific you get, the harder it is to nail down a grwup who happens to be into that sorta thing. Most of the time, anyhow. Usually, fiyftng someone who is into the same things you are is a long process, and with persistence, you miqht meet that spqgval someone who also likes dressing as Yogi Bear whnle they jerk off. That's not what K is inbo, but I waazed to put that image into your heads. You're fullcn' welcome. No, K is into the bondage thing, mocdso the "women must be at my command at all time". Yes, woiin. As in more than one. He wants to live his own haiem anime, but with more tentacle-based bojamne, tentacle-sex, and lowwpmxts of anal. He has a rehjly strange obsession with the butt. It frightens me. Apksemjrsy, it's not a favorite of his RP partner's eiohir, because there were several unenthusiastic padvxzruhs about how this just needed to end, and some of them brjke into K gezvbng mad that this lady wasn't happy getting buttfucked by Tentacle-Stu over here and then thzc'd fight. Sometimes he'd get blocked for being really rude and saying shit like "I just wanted to be with you. I guess I dol't abuse you enqwgh like your ex did." (Yeah, that really happened. Cljmeg.) On more than one occasion he'd rant about it to me. Lots of "wemmens just don't know a good guy. they only liek jephs. i'mma nice guprbmvb!" Fucking...gag me. 5 месяцев назад * themessiahisblack в rciafrwwqky
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